Wednesday, February 7, 2007

What's Up?

So I haven't been saying much about what I'm up to. Well, I've got a little bit of time, so I'll let you guys in on my life a little bit here.
I've been busy...Duh, right? Yeah I know, I'm a college student. But anyway, classes are going well for the most part. I'm in the process of writing a paper for English Comp II. I'm writing on the topic of prayer in the public school. I'm having a tough time writing it, but I'll do well. I'd appreciate it if you guys would pray that I'd do well. I've got to do well on this paper, I want to do well. Calc II is going very well so far. I have my second test on Friday. Hopefully it will go well, they usually do. NT Survey is going well also. I got a 90 on my first test and we have another quiz tomorrow. I also am working on my second speech for my speech class. The topic for this speech is on the civil engineering profession. I don't think many people know what exactly a civil engineer does and since I am pursuing that career path, I'd like to inform my audience on what I am going to be doing. On top of those things, this Saturday I am going to be retaking my ACT at Watertown High School. The reasons for that are these: 1) I know that I can get a better score than my first go (26) 2) More doors will open for me in the area of financial aid. 3) It justs make me look smarter. The last two reasons are mainly because I will be transferring sometime in the near future. Going into engineering, I know that my Math and Science scores are going to be looked at the closest. So, I am hoping to do even better on those two sub-tests.
Well, that's a brief look at what I've got going on right now. This list is NOT comprehensive. Please pray for me a daily basis, I would greatly appreciate it.

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