Wednesday, February 7, 2007

MBBC vs. NBBC Basketball Game

Let me start by first This game was well played, i thought, by our guys. We fought hard, for the most part. Unfortunately, not everyone on our team gave everything they had. That disappointed me. Some guys just don't know the concept of defense. Here let me explain, when your guy has the ball and you know he can shoot, DON'T GIVE HIM ANY ROOM! This doesn't bug me as much when Northland's center starts shooting 3's. At first, sure let him shoot. But when he keeps making them, that would be a good time to get a hand in his face, don't ya think? I do. But what really bugs me, is this same situation only the fact that it's a guard shooting. DON'T JUST SIT BACK ON YOUR HEELS, GET A HAND IN HIS FACE!! Please. I will not name any names here, but I SO want to.
Here's another thing. When in the world will referees ever be consistent. No, I take that back. When will we ever get DECENT refs who will actually call fouls. I mean, we're getting manhandled and not one ref will call a foul. Why? I have no idea. But oh well, right? These are just a few things that urk me.
On the upside, the spirit at the game was amazing. We had the entire gym full. Standing room only baby!! It was awesome! The MBBC student section was yellow, yellow, and yellow. It was amazing. Again, the spirit portrayed at the game was so good. After the game, students from all schools mingled together. It was a definitely a sight to behold. Even though we didn't win, this night was still a great night. I got see some friends from Northland and I got to watch a great game played by two good teams. Maybe next year we'll get 'em. Now I can't wait to play Northland in soccer next year. I am stoked! Next year baby, next year.
Well, if you want to read more about the game, I suggest that you read this article.

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