Monday, February 12, 2007


Well, it's Monday. I hate Mondays. Good thing - I finished my Comp II paper and I finished my History test. Bad thing - I have to do my speech. So, that's what I'm gonna work on now.

My weekend went well. I got to see my mom, brother and sister. I was pretty excited to see them. We had a good time. I also had to take my ACT before I saw them. That did not go so well. I was very disappointed with my performance. I might take it again, depending on what scored I actually end up with. We'll see.

Hopefully I'll have a good week this time around, I'm sure I will.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

MBBC vs. NBBC Basketball Game

Let me start by first This game was well played, i thought, by our guys. We fought hard, for the most part. Unfortunately, not everyone on our team gave everything they had. That disappointed me. Some guys just don't know the concept of defense. Here let me explain, when your guy has the ball and you know he can shoot, DON'T GIVE HIM ANY ROOM! This doesn't bug me as much when Northland's center starts shooting 3's. At first, sure let him shoot. But when he keeps making them, that would be a good time to get a hand in his face, don't ya think? I do. But what really bugs me, is this same situation only the fact that it's a guard shooting. DON'T JUST SIT BACK ON YOUR HEELS, GET A HAND IN HIS FACE!! Please. I will not name any names here, but I SO want to.
Here's another thing. When in the world will referees ever be consistent. No, I take that back. When will we ever get DECENT refs who will actually call fouls. I mean, we're getting manhandled and not one ref will call a foul. Why? I have no idea. But oh well, right? These are just a few things that urk me.
On the upside, the spirit at the game was amazing. We had the entire gym full. Standing room only baby!! It was awesome! The MBBC student section was yellow, yellow, and yellow. It was amazing. Again, the spirit portrayed at the game was so good. After the game, students from all schools mingled together. It was a definitely a sight to behold. Even though we didn't win, this night was still a great night. I got see some friends from Northland and I got to watch a great game played by two good teams. Maybe next year we'll get 'em. Now I can't wait to play Northland in soccer next year. I am stoked! Next year baby, next year.
Well, if you want to read more about the game, I suggest that you read this article.

Vista Security

For all you Windows people out there (with a sense of humor).

What's Up?

So I haven't been saying much about what I'm up to. Well, I've got a little bit of time, so I'll let you guys in on my life a little bit here.
I've been busy...Duh, right? Yeah I know, I'm a college student. But anyway, classes are going well for the most part. I'm in the process of writing a paper for English Comp II. I'm writing on the topic of prayer in the public school. I'm having a tough time writing it, but I'll do well. I'd appreciate it if you guys would pray that I'd do well. I've got to do well on this paper, I want to do well. Calc II is going very well so far. I have my second test on Friday. Hopefully it will go well, they usually do. NT Survey is going well also. I got a 90 on my first test and we have another quiz tomorrow. I also am working on my second speech for my speech class. The topic for this speech is on the civil engineering profession. I don't think many people know what exactly a civil engineer does and since I am pursuing that career path, I'd like to inform my audience on what I am going to be doing. On top of those things, this Saturday I am going to be retaking my ACT at Watertown High School. The reasons for that are these: 1) I know that I can get a better score than my first go (26) 2) More doors will open for me in the area of financial aid. 3) It justs make me look smarter. The last two reasons are mainly because I will be transferring sometime in the near future. Going into engineering, I know that my Math and Science scores are going to be looked at the closest. So, I am hoping to do even better on those two sub-tests.
Well, that's a brief look at what I've got going on right now. This list is NOT comprehensive. Please pray for me a daily basis, I would greatly appreciate it.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Congrats Colts

Well...congratulations Colts. I've gotta tip my hat. Ya did good. I'm glad Peyton finally has a ring. Congratulations. Huge kudos to Tony Dungy, what a man. Here's an excerpt from the article First Black Super Bowl Coaches Say 'The Lord Set this Up'.

Not only are they making history representing African-American coaches, but both coaches are also representing Christ.

"The Lord set this up in a way that no one would believe it," said Dungy, according to the Baptist Press. "The Lord tested us a lot this year, but He set this up to get all the glory."

Both Dungy and Smith, who are close friends, gave credit to God after defeating their final opponents to head off to the Super Bowl game.

While Dungy has had more opportunity to share his Christian faith during his five years coaching the Colts, this is Smith's first tenure as a head coach. And he has already made his faith in Christ apparent.

What a testimony.

Disclaimer: I WILL NOT tolerate obnoxious Colts fans rubbing in the win.


How can we look at a situation in which we are being tempted by the devil and be joyful? By looking to God. "My bretheren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptation;" James 1:2. What? James is telling us "Rejoice." Be joyful when we are being tempted. When I first read that, I was like, was he on crack when he was writing this? Well, not exactly. James was filled with the Holy Ghost. He knew what he was talking about. Why are we supposed to be joyful? "Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience" James 1:3. Oh okay. When we are being tempted of the devil, God is putting our faith to the test. He wants to know whether or not we can put into practice what he is teaching us. For example, a few day ago I read about Elijah's prayer life. I was challenged to have a prayer life like Elijah's. God has been testing my faith, more precisely my prayer life, by filling my schedule and mind with events and the like. He has been teaching me to be patient with my life and give Him ample time to be in my life. But it doesn't end there. Yes, we are to let faith work to produce patience, but patience isn't the end. "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing" James 1:4. That's the end. We will want nothing but God. We will be perfect and entire. Think about that. We will be perfect! I WANT THAT! I want to be perfect, entire and want nothing BUT God. But, I will never be able to achieve that outside of God. That's not a stipulation either, it's a blessing. I GET to achieve this through Him. I get to be perfect.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Foxtrot meets Apple

I LOVE Apple. So don't think for a second that I'm posting this because I'm trying to bash Apple in any way, shape, or form. No, no, no and no. I am posting this because (1) Apple has just come out with yet another remarkable product, the iPhone, and (2) I like FoxTrot. So here it is:
Here is a picture of the product which Jobs introduced:

What a Prayer Life!

Last night, I did my devotions from James 5:13-18. These verses all talk about the aspect of prayer. James tells us that we need to pray about basically everything. He starts by telling the afflicted to pray, the merry to sing psalms, and the sick to seek out the elders in the church so that they may pray for him. The part that gets me is 16 b, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." That is a verse to take to heart. I need to be more effectual and fervent in my prayer life if I want to see God work. James then proceeds to tell us about Elijah and the way he prayed. James 5:17-18, "Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit." . . .Wow! That is an amazing prayer life. I hope that this will be an encouragement and a challenge to all of you as I know it was for me.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Creationism Explained?

Ok, so I'm sitting here multi-tasking. I'm researching for my English paper, checking out my blog, and just browsing the internet for, oh whatever. I decide to search Google for Gary Larson's Far Side. So I find some pictures and I come across this:
What? To tell you the truth, it looks like someone is trying to explain evolution. That just sorta bugged me a little, so I decided to post it. I love Gary Larson's Far Side, but hey, what am I supposed to expect.