Monday, February 5, 2007

Congrats Colts

Well...congratulations Colts. I've gotta tip my hat. Ya did good. I'm glad Peyton finally has a ring. Congratulations. Huge kudos to Tony Dungy, what a man. Here's an excerpt from the article First Black Super Bowl Coaches Say 'The Lord Set this Up'.

Not only are they making history representing African-American coaches, but both coaches are also representing Christ.

"The Lord set this up in a way that no one would believe it," said Dungy, according to the Baptist Press. "The Lord tested us a lot this year, but He set this up to get all the glory."

Both Dungy and Smith, who are close friends, gave credit to God after defeating their final opponents to head off to the Super Bowl game.

While Dungy has had more opportunity to share his Christian faith during his five years coaching the Colts, this is Smith's first tenure as a head coach. And he has already made his faith in Christ apparent.

What a testimony.

Disclaimer: I WILL NOT tolerate obnoxious Colts fans rubbing in the win.

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